Online Bankruptcy Petition Preparation Software
Jubilee is the online bankruptcy petition preparation software from LegalPRO Systems. Jubilee walks you through the bankruptcy filing process, generating PDF files of official bankruptcy schedules and filing them electronically with the ECF Wizard.
Jubilee supports Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13 filings and is compliant with all CM/ECF courts.
Electronic Filing

Step-by-Step Data Entry

Bankruptcy Calculators

Means Test

Benefits Included
Electronic Filing
Click-to-File ease of use is available in all CM/ECF courts across the Country.
Jubilee prepares all Federal Official Forms and
quickly walks you through the steps of filing.
Step-by-Step Data Entry
Auto-Populate repeated fields. No need to enter data twice. USPS address verification.
Customizable defaults for jurisdictions and courts.
Integration with third-party software vendors to
capture outside data.
Bankruptcy Calculators
The Means Test Calculator integrates with your case data to help determine filing chapters.
It uses metrics such as median family income to calculate presumption (Chapter 7) and commitment period (Chapter 13).
Creditor Database
Use the Creditor List to pre-populate creditor addresses and maintain a list of current information for each one.
Multi-Vendor Integration
Jubilee is integrated with many third-party vendors to help you get the job done quickly including:
downloading creditor information and reports,
ordering credit counseling or debtor education, and doing extensive mail-out noticing. Jubilee
offers more choices than any other bankruptcy
software provider.
Get the Best Support
Get answers quickly from knowledgeable and
experienced staff with live telephone support.
Start your 14-Day Free Trial
No other online bankruptcy software includes all chapters, e-signatures, legal payments & invoicing, unlimited users, and integrated services.
Our free trial gives you free access to all jubilee features for 14 days with the exception of actually filing a case.
Read our latest updates. We make the difference.