We released the Chapter 13 Plan Payment Estimator a couple of weeks ago. In our latest training video, we explain how to calculate fixed minimum monthly payments for all your creditors. We also cover how to update your plan and creditor payments in one convenient place in Jubilee.
Avoid the need the enter every single paycheck to get an accurate average for the Means Test. Use as few as two paychecks with YTD information to easily calculate a monthly average.
Enter one paycheck for the Means Test and we will automatically “copy” out that paycheck for the entirety of the look-back period.
Plans added/updated in Jubilee
- TXSB Plan v1.2
Recurring Billing Plans
Easily change the payment method at any time. Update the credit card or bank account on file as needed.
Forms 106A (Real and Personal Property) & Form 107 (SOFA)
We’ve removed empty sections from the forms.
Certificate of Service
The Maryland Certificate of Service is now available in Case Forms under the Misc. Forms and Documents tab.