The following features and issues were added/addressed in Jubilee.
1. Filing Improvements
- CACB - issue opening local forms for business cases
- CASB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived as a separate court docket event
- CASB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Application to Pay Filing Fees In Installments as a separate court docket event
- CASB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Declaration for Electronic Filing as a separate court docket event
- CASB - Added Automatic Filing Support for local form Dec. For. Elect. Filing as a separate court docket event
- CASB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Rights & Responsibilities form as a separate court docket event
- CTB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Firm 423 (2nd course) as a separate court docket event
- HIB - Added support for Ch13 Rights and Responsibilities local form
- HIB - Resovled - Chapter 13 Plan - Creditor Class Change from secured to unsecured - Paragraph assignment change not auto refreshing
- IDB - Added Support for Chapter 13 Plan
- ILCB - Change Danville Division Label to Urbana
- ILNB - Resolved - Issue filing Chapter 13 Plan
- ILNB - Resolved - When over median income, must file the MT forms as 2 separate ECF Events
- KSB - Added Automatic Filing Support for DEBN as a separate court docket event
- KSB - Resolved - Error filing DEBN request
- KYWB - Resolved issues with filing Deficiencies
- LAEB - Resolved - Business Filing issue
- LAEB - Resolved - Public Corporation filing issue
- MDB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Attorney Fee Disclosure as a separate court docket event
- MDB - Added Automatic Filing Support for SOFA as a separate court docket event
- MIEB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Petition Coversheet as a separate court docket event
- MIEB Plan - Resolved - Surrendered Collateral reports Name--Should be collateral
- MIEB: Added Automatic Filing Support for Financial Management Course (Form 423) as a separate court docket event
- MNB - Edit label on Fee Disclosure Page for MNB only to match local form
- NCEB - Added Automatic Filing Support Debtor(S) Electronic Noticing Request (DeBN) as a separate court docket event
- OKNB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Payment Advices Certification as a separate court docket event
- OKNB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Statement of Social Security Number as a separate court docket event
- OKNB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Verification as to Official Creditor List as a separate court docket event
- OKNB - Added firm info to Attorney signature block
- OKNB - Resolved - Reports the wrong # of creditors on the Matrix Cover Sheet in some situations due to duplicates being removed
- ORB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Attorney Fee Disclosure as a separate court docket event
- ORB - Resolved Open BK Filing Issue after Court Update
- PAWB - Added Support for Chapter 13 Plan
- TXEB - Adjusted filing logic for Creditor Matrix to accommodate court update
- TXNB - Added Automatic Filing Support for Case Completion Event on a previous emergency filing
- TXSB - Resolved - Exclude from Plan on a secured creditor also excludes the value of the attached asset
- TXSB - Resolved - New Plan - Not using new plan when amending
- TXWB - Cleaned up Chapter Plan Formatting
- VAWB - Resolved - On incomplete filings we need to se the deficiencies option to "Y"
- Added option to Convert to Word on Filing Fee Installment App and Waiver
- Added override option to adjust logic for Unsecured Portion on Schedule D
- Added Support for E-Signature with DCB local form Verification of Matrix Cover Sheet
- Billing Report - Add warning before sending batch emails out to clients
- Hidden Save button on screen - Had to scroll to bottom on two scroll bars
- Payment Estimator - When clicking on Calculate Payment, it clears the "Current" unsecured amounts
- Remove duplicate field on Create New Noticing Party Screen within a Creditor
- Resolved - Creditor Address on Mailing Matrix and Schedules need to be the same
- Resolved - Edit label on MT Alimony and Maintenance payments section
- Resolved - Filing Fee Waiver - not checking Q3 correctly
- Resolved - Household Goods continuation page on A/B does not show items in the same order as they were entered
- Resolved - Not able to view task from the overview page in a general case
- Resolved - Plan Calculator - not deducting the Ad Valorem when they are doing a modification
- Resolved - Priority Creditors - We should display the Priority Amount on Plan Tab
- Resolved - Schedule A/B - #64 Other Intangibles, or intellectual property is not printing the additional page
- Resolved - SOFA - Line 16 Text overlaps when client enters long description
- Resolved - When trying to add a Trustee, the dialog indicates a Judge on the label
- Resolved - Zip Code 77036 Not bringing in Harris County
- Resolved Bug with Additional Case Bulk Rate
- Resolved Formatting Issue - Getting some Blank Pages (page returns) in the 122A2 form in some situations
- Resolved issue where we weren't display notes in the contact on Overview page
- Resolved Issue with Pre-Mod payments field missing
- Resolved Sch. J2 - Added an option to set the supplemental date
- Sch. I - cleaned up formatting issue on downloaded PDF in some situations
- Separate budget Sch J-2, don't exclude Line 4 from calculations (typo on form)
2. User requests
- Added option to Copy the debtor link for Court Notices sharing
- Added support for updated TXSB Plan and Mod - Effective 6/28/22
- FLSB - Added Support for updated Chapter 13 Plan - Effective 4/1/22
- Added Support for Petition 101 and 201 forms effective 6/21/22
- Added Option to generate Orders for Fee Waiver and Fee Installment App separately
- National Chapter 13 Plan - Edit override logic for 2.1/2.5
- Dont show declined payments on printed invoice
- Resolved - MTB Court rules require capitalization on data entered into schedules for Individual Forms
- Added Option to Export Creditor Matrix as an Excel file
- Resolved - COB Plan Not including Fax number in Atty Signature block
- JCV - Need options to download reports from each B independently
- Form 108 - Enabled Automatic Assignment of Exemption Status on 'Intentions' tab when exemption is added to any attached asset
- Petition - General Information - Removed Settings tab on far right and added to Case Settings
- Removed Case Status, Date Filed, Bar Date, Gov Bar Date fields when case status is set to retained
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