The following features and issues were added/addressed in Jubilee.
1. User requests
- Added support for MNB NextGen effective 3/22/21
- Added button to use Debtor/Dependents Count for the Means Test
- Improved logic for Notice only creditors from Credit Report Imports
- Added support for IDB switching to NextGen 3/8/2021
- Added support for ALMB switching to NextGen 3/8/2021
- Resolved - Needed to disassociate time entries from Invoice when deleting the invoice
- Added support for WIEB switching to NextGen 3/1/21
- WAWB - Added support for filing MT as separate event on every case
- Added support for CANB switching to NextGen 2/16/21
- SOFA Line 6 - Removed Requirement for Amount Still Owed Field
- Added Support for KYEB moving to NextGen 2/22/21
- Added Support for DEB switching to NextGen 2/15/21
- Added E-Sign support for OKWB plan
2. Improvements in Jubilee
- Resolved - Means Test error when opening Income of Inactive client
- Improved Search for Billing Plans
- Form 2030 Edit Formatting and added the ability to edit the certification clause
- Resolved - KSB Plan Issue with Pay Orders section
- Billing Plan - Corrected logic for Every Other Week Frequency
- TXSB Plan - Resolved Issue when leaving Escrow field empty but user assigns payments
- Resolved OHNB Decl. Electronic Filing - incorrectly checking the checkbox for "I, the Joint Debtor, do not have a Social Security Number." when there is no Joint Debtor
- MIWB - Corrected Automatic Filing Script for Attorney Disclosure
- Resolved - OKWB not able to file Debtor 1 & Debtor 2 Certificate of Credit Counseling
- Resolved - Doc Portal - Client User isn't available to select on New Doc Request
- Resolved - New Text messages conversations weren't using contact cell
- Case & Data Import: Fixed return error message when login was invalid
- Resolved - Payments page in Contact includes declined amounts in the "Payments Approved" sum
- OKWB - Resolved fields required when Credit counseling doesn't apply
- National Plan - Added support for Additional Plan Payments
- Resolved - Jubilee hangs when Entering Business to SOFA with EIN on first page
- Resolved - Form 106H - Display issue with multiple Sched. Line numbers
- Resolved - OKWB Need to remove case number from creditor matrix
- Resolved - OKWB Fix Court Event we select for Plan Filing
- Resolved - E-Sign Incorrect warning that the 2830 form doesn't have a signature
- Resolved - Error message when Logo image is too large for Doc Portal