What’s New in Jubilee (September 2022)
The following features and issues were added/addressed in Jubilee.
1. Filing Updates
- AZB - Added Support for Automatic filing of Case completion events on a Emergency/Deficient Petition
- AZB - Resolved filing issue with fee installment application
- Billing Plan - Resolved duplicate created when updating
- CACB - Added automatic filing support for Declaration By Debtor(s) As To Whether Income Was Received From An Employer… as a separate filing event
- CASB - Added automatic filing support for Certifications Regarding Domestic Support Obligations as a separate filing event
- CASB - Revised Chapter 13 Rights and Responsibilities and Guideline Fees
- DEB - Added Support for Automatic filing of Case completion events on a Emergency/Deficient Petition
- IANB - Added automatic filing support for Means Test as a separate filing event
- IANB - Added automatic filing support for Pay Advices as a separate filing event
- IASB - Added automatic filing support for Means Test as a separate filing event
- IASB - Added automatic filing support for Pay Advices as a separate filing event
- ILNB - Added Support for Automatic filing of Case completion events on a Emergency/Deficient Petition
- KSB - Added automatic filing support for Declaration regarding electronic filing as a separate filing event
- KSB - Declaration Regarding Payment Advices - Remove Hard coded signature for Debtor
- MIWB - Added automatic filing support for Statement of Social Security as a separate filing event
- MNB - Added automatic filing support for Fee Waiver Application as a separate filing event
- MNB - Added automatic filing support for Income Records (Combined) as a separate filing event
- NDB - Added automatic filing support for Pay Advices as a separate filing event
- NMB - Resolved label correction on Local Form: 1002-1 - Certification Regarding Marital Status
- Resolved - Blank page inserted in Chapter 13 Means Test when generating PDFs for ECF
- Resolved - CACB - F1007-1.1. Amended. Summary - Need to be able to Change the person who is signing the declaration
- Resolved - Case Compensation page causing issue when trying to open Matter Template
- Resolved - Chapter 7 Means Test - Income Details Attachment not showing Employment Income
- Resolved - Entering new business relationship in the debtor profile hangs
- Resolved - MNB - Statement of Social Security is being filed under the wrong event
- Resolved Issue with the button to combine docs in one PDF
- Resolved MEB Chapter 12 Filing Issue
- Resolved NEB Chapter 11 Business Filing Error
- Resolved NEB Chapter 12 Error on BKOpen
- Resolved ORB Filing Issue with Chapter 13 Case
- Resolved Payments Email receipt is unchecked but still sends debtor email when payment is posted
- TXWB - Added Support for Automatic filing of Case completion events on a Emergency/Deficient Petition
- VAB - Added Exemptions related to 529 plans
2. User requests
- Added "Print Client Packet" to Case Forms
- Added an All Assets Tab which sorts by Asset Category Number
- Added option to show means test allowances in Sch. J data entry screen for reference
- Added Support for ALSB Plan Revisions Effective 10/1/22
- Alphabetized Consumer vs. Non Consumer Debt Report
- Edit Divisions for UTB
- Employment Duration and Tax Refund Asset, add custom field to enter custom text
- Filing Fee Installment Application - Add option to print "Pay Through Plan"
- Fixed issue with New button on the All Assets tab
- JCV - Make Jubilee CreditVista Orders log accessible to clients
- MAB Plan - Added override for number of months remaining in Exhibit 1, Line (m)
- Made Changes to Means Test Income Details Attachment - Show multiple employers separately rather than group together
- ORB: Added Support for printing seperate 122C-1 and 122C-2 on above median cases
- Pay Order Form - Add option for Trustee Address
- Proof of Claim - Resolved issue generating form when asset has subtitle
- Resolved issue with Court Notices sharing in some situations
- Resolved issue with Plan Manager and Unsecured amounts for Prioirty Creditors
- Schedule G - Resolved issue with Term Remaining, Assume/Reject/Assign not printing when description is too long
- TXNB Plan - Resovled issue with Monthly Disposable Income Under 1325 (B) (2) in certain situations
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